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Expressive Body // Alika

  • ZeoT Zürich Lagerstrasse 107 Zürich 8004 (map)

Alika is an Andalusian dancer and choreographer, born in Jaén, with a degree in Teaching, specialising in Physical Education from the University of Jaén. She completed her academic studies with a University Expert in Didactics of Corporal Expression from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid and a Masters in Innovation and Cultural Management from the Complutense University of Madrid.

Since 2003 he has founded his own school, combining artistic practice with teaching, management, mediation and cultural production.

Since 2004 she has created and directed the Bellysurdance Festival of dance and scenic creation, a pioneer in Spain and internationally recognised for its work in the innovation of Oriental Dance.

Alika's language focuses on movement and its expression, her inspiration comes from the nature of the inner female body and her research.

She is currently working on processes that cross dance in exploration and synergy with other arts such as painting, poetry and music, collage, sculpture and social innovation projects using dance and scenic creation as tools and powers for the empowerment of women at risk of social exclusion in collaboration with the Department of Equality and the Social Affairs Board of Jaén.

Expressive Body

In this workshop, I propose to experiment with Choreography as a field of movement research.

Presence / Time / Space / Energy.

We will focus on the understanding of the body in dialogue with the internal/external for the choreographic composition rather than on the final result.

alika expressive body dance zürich

For more information about her work:

Workshops Series 2022-2023

In order to continue learning and deepening our knowledge, we offer you this series of courses with different teachers during the new period 2022/23. This series of courses are presented in a format of 3 hours (always on Saturdays from 14h. to 17h.) to have first contact with the teacher and the content.

Here are the dates and guest teachers. We will provide you with more detailed information about their work at a later date.

17th. September 2022 Salima “Flamencoriental” Technical tools and choreography (Hungary-Spain)

12th. November Álika 2022 “Expressive Body” Choreographic workshop (Spain)

14th January 2023 Lena Nouar “Nova Oriental” A contemporary vision of oriental dance (Spain)

4th. February 2023 Cristina Arribas “Iraqi Dance” Technical tools and choreography (Spain)

15th. April 2023 Patricia Álvarez  “Alándalusa” Dance, heritage and identity (Spain)

10th. June 2023 Saïda Naït-Bouda “Danse El Hâl” Intranse. The state of divine presence in ritual and ecstatic dances in North Africa (France)

You can register for all of them or pay for each one separately.

1 workshop 120.

6 workshops 600.-

ZeoT students with a discount (1 Workshop 100.- 6 Workshops 500.-)

All workshops take place at ZeoT

Always on Saturdays from 14h. to 17h.

If you are interested please do not hesitate to contact:

Earlier Event: November 6
Kick-Hop // Nicole McLaren